Iceland, the very name of the place conjures thoughts of endless frozen wastelands, though the reality could not be further. Iceland continues to be shaped by violent natural forces. Located just beneath the Arctic Circle and straddling the continental divide between Europe and America, Iceland is battered by periodic volcanic eruptions, carved by glaciers and not to mention the north Atlantic weather system!

A visit in March this year proved there is no shortage of shooting locations, a canvas overlaid with features that vary from place to place and rarely repeat, from black volcanic runoff plains with rivers carved through them to moss-covered lava fields – and virtually everything in between – with mountains on the horizon. Even the impressively vacant spaces for miles and miles have features and shapes in them that change as you continue on down the road. The distances are vast, you see your destination on the horizon and still haven’t reached it after about an hour’s solid driving, so choosing where and what you want to see is critical in planning a successful trip out here. And at night, if you are lucky, a chance to see the Northern Lights as well has to be factored in.

After a busy summer working on a variety of different jobs, not forgetting the welcome distraction of the superb sporting events of the Olympics and Paralympics by talented athletes from around the world, I am now in Reykjavik and about start leading a week-long photographic workshop around Iceland. My workshop co-leader and photographer Jeremy Walker and I arrived a few days early to double check a few suitable locations for this week, autumn is in full swing here and the few trees that can be found with their leaves on still are brightly coloured yellows, oranges and reds. Everyone has now arrived and met, it’s a great group and I’m really looking forwards to guiding them and helping them get the best of their photography in some truly awe-inspiring locations.

Early start tomorrow as everything kicks off and we head to our first location!


The above image was made at the foot of a large cliff made of columnar basalt, large hexagonal columns contrasted brilliantly with the smoothed pebbles on the beach. In the distance, early morning sunlight was side-lighting the large foreboding leading edge of an approaching storm. I managed to get away before too much of a soaking.


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